Camila Bartucevic
Camila Bartucevic Lawyer +56 2 2367 3620 Secretary: LANGUAGES: Spanish and English.


Litigation, Arbitration, Reorganization and Insolvency, Business Organizations, Project Finance, Banking and Finance, Mergers and Acquisitions, Capital Markets.


Camila Bartucevic concentrates her practice in the areas of litigation, arbitration and commercial law.

She is a professor´s assistant in Civil Law, Commercial Law, Procedural Law and Economic Law at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

Previously, she was also a professor´s assistant in Bankruptcy Law at Adolfo Ibañez University.

She joined Claro y Cia. in 2019 as a paralegal and in 2023 as a lawyer.


J.D., Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 2020.